Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family Pictures

I had my FIRST family photo shoot this weekend. And what a perfect family to practice with. They knew exactly what to do and thanks to them I could easily get the perfect shot on the first try. Their mother raised them well. ;o) This family happens to be Mitch's Uncle, Aunt, and cousins. It was quite a compliment that they wanted me to take their family pictures (thank you!!). The pictures turned out great and I have a lot of favorites. I'm going to post all of my favorites instead of trying to just pick a few to share. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do...


{emily} said...

Beautiful pictures, Jess! You'll be a professional before we know it :) Hope we get to come see you guys next weekend and maybe you can do a photo shoot with our Avery girl ;)

Chelsey said...

Jess - AWESOME pictures!!! I LOOOOOOOOOVE them!!!!

chris said...

Great Job, Jess! Gonna be tricky doing the Clevelands, hope you have a tripod. If not, Mitch needs to add that to your Christmas list. Stevi's coming next weekend, you'll have to show her how to operate your camera to do a photo shoot at the pumpkin patch.

Julie O. said...

Beautiful pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Just had to tell everyone that Jess has done photos for, to not take your CD to Wal-Mart! I put my CD in the Kodak machine and printed them off, along with some 5x7's and the gal asked who took them. I told her our neice and she said because they looked like professional photos that I would need to have a written copyright statement from Jess. I then went to another place and told them I took them! (yes, I fibbed!)
I guess I will be doing my photo printing online!! Soooo, compliments to you Jess....great job with your photos, we LOVE them!!